Oussi Law Firm
Yousef Al-Azmeh Square - Maysaloun Street - Assasa Building - 1st Floor
Telephone: +963 11 2333120/1
Fax: +963-11-2333122
E-mail: legal@oussilawfirm.com
Website: www.oussilawfirm.com

About us
The firm which was established in 1968 by lawyer Gabriel Oussi offers a full range of legal services and it is associated with a comprehensive net work of distinguished experts in the field of business mannagement and economic feasibility study.
Practice area's
- Patents
- Trademarks
- Designs
- Copyrights
- Domain names
- Litigation
- Syrian Bar of Lawyers
- International Association of Lawyers-UIA
- Justinian Lawyers
- AFFILICA International